FIRST ROW: Catapult (printer), Oak Forge (blacksmith), 2nd Surface (design firm), Jokertown (record label), Sussner (design firm). SECOND ROW: Little Acorn (app developer), NODA (college association), Raven (mead), Wrenstreet (web hosting), Troop 283 (boyscout troop). THIRD ROW: Altus (marketing—alternate mark), 333 (commercial real estate), Boom Lab (consulting), AGE of Star Wars (game), The Satellites (band). FOURTH ROW: Benebone (pet toy), Your Tunes (legal services), GoBAMF (social media presence), Plants Party (snack food), ThreeBridge (consulting).
Here are a few additional logo marks that I have created both in my time at Sussner and as a freelance designer.